An abandoned cat becomes an Instagram sensation after finding a home

This post is about a really cute cat that had no idea how popular he was going to get after getting his new home.

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What are your thoughts on this subject?
Penny Allen
I’d like to see a photo of him without the clothes
Aug 2, 2021 5:26PM
Leticia Olsen
🥺I wonder who started dressing up a cat? It spoiled the cat’s genuine fur and characters!!🙄
Aug 2, 2021 8:15PM
I think it's cute and I'm happy that Benson has a good cats would never put up with clothes, lol, they won't even let me put a harness and leash on they stay indoors.
Aug 2, 2021 9:30PM
Suzanne Wilson
Penny Allen, Me too, Penny!
Feb 10, 2022 8:41PM
I love my kitty kids. I'm happy that Benson has a good home! My favorite Benson pixs are #1 -- Benson in his sleep outfit. It's so adorable & #5 -- Benson as a Cat Samurai, that's my favorite. I wouldn't get into a fight with him, haha. I love all his outfits. I had a Calico years ago, Lady Ninja (she was named to honor a blind martial artist) & I put her in a pink princess costume for a Halloween Pet Contest & by the time we got to the pet store she had her costume off but she won 4th place & she won some cat food.
Sep 1, 2021 9:10PM
Caroline Weis
I think all the pictures are cute and every outfit is tres chic.
Aug 8, 2021 8:14PM
Sandra Folts
Glad he has a home but do not like clothes on animals.
Aug 3, 2021 11:24PM
Elsy O. Stromberg
Benson seems extremely passive- pretty sure he doesn't like being dressed and having glasses put on him.
Aug 3, 2021 12:26PM
I would have much rather seen the cat's fur (instead of those ridiculous costumes) & it acting like a cat instead of a doll that you dress up! Very disappointing. P.S. A. I would never dress my cat in a costume. B. If I tried, he would probably go ballistic on me.
Aug 3, 2021 10:09AM
Jerry Craig
Cats are not toys that you play dress up with. I am a cat lover and find it disgraceful to use a cat as a source of income and as a tool in your quest for notoriety. It shows this person has no respect for the cat.
Aug 3, 2021 4:30AM
Keith Scholl
If I tried to dress up my cat I'd pull back a stump.
Aug 2, 2021 9:41PM
Cute cat! My cat would run away from home if I ever tried to put clothes on him! But, the outfits are very fashionable! 😻😼
Aug 2, 2021 7:49PM
Pierre Poirier
I do not like it when peopke use pets as if they were dolls
Aug 2, 2021 7:02PM
I love all the cat pics of Benson but my 2 favorites are #1 -- Benson in his bed clothes & #5 -- Benson looking like a Samurai Warrior.
Aug 2, 2021 5:02PM


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