Qallupilluk (or Qalupalik, or Kallupilluk, literally meaning “The Monster") was the Inuit people's bogeyman of choice. According to legend, it was a perversely twisted humanoid that waited under the water to drag unwary people in the icy depths of the sea. This was a natural and healthy fear in an arctic society where dropping in the water often meant death.

This monsters are often described by the Inuits as having scaly and bumpy skin, not unlike a scalpin. It is said that these ugly creatures reek of sulfur.The Qallupilluk is usually a child-snatcher. No one really knows why these creatures love to take children. Perhaps they take children because they are lonely and like the company, or maybe they like how children taste?

Many stories of the Qallupilluk tell of them wearing eider duck clothing with large pouches on their back to carry children in. The Qallupilluk hides in the ocean, waiting for children to play alone on the beach or near the breaking ice. Then the Qallupilluk jump out of the water and grab children without any warning. Sometimes, however, you can hear them knocking under the ice.

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