According to empirical data, carbon is the element that is contained by all organic compounds. It is a chemical element that helps to compose all matter, whether it is living or not. An atom is one single unit of a chemical element found in carbon and all other elements. In all living organisms, carbon is one of the most abundant elements along with hydrogen and oxygen. These three elements along with nitrogen, phosphorus, and a handful of other elements account for the great majority of all living matter.

With chemical elements, they are made up of fundamental chemicals, which are simply what they are - they can't be changed into another element. Each element is distinguished by the number of protons, the text annotation indicator, neutrons, text annotation indicator, and electrons, text annotation indicator that the element possess. For example, carbon's atomic number is six (6), and has an atomic mass of about 12, because it has six positively charged protons and six non-charged neutrons. The six charged electrons contribute very little to the atomic mass.

There are 92 naturally-occurring elements on earth.

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