Since 1973, 153 people have been exonerated from death row in U.S. as of June 2015.

Many of these individuals were convicted based on flawed evidence or testimony. Some were convicted based on forced confessions given under duress. Many were the victims of prosecutorial misconduct. On average, it took more than 11 years after these 153 people were sentenced to death before they were exonerated. 10 of the exonerations since 2013 occurred 30 or more years after the wrongful conviction.

False informant testimony is the top cause of wrongful convictions in capital cases according to the National Registry of Exonerations.

Only 20 of the 153 exonerations have been due to DNA evidence. This means an overwhelming majority of the exonerations have been due to factors such as False Informant Testimony.

At least 10 people have been executed despite serious doubts about their guilt. Several high profile law enforcement officials, judges, and justices have been quoted as saying that there certainly have been innocent individuals who have been executed.

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