During what would come to be known as the battle of the bulge, German forces broke out across a large area of allied controlled territory, and encircled the crucial crossroads town of Bastogne, Belgium. On 22 Dec, 1944 two German officers along with two enlisted men approached the American lines with a message from the German commander demanding surrender. They were taken, blindfolded, to the American headquarters where the demand was eventually presented to Lt. Col. Ned Moore, who went to wake the still sleeping McAuliffe, telling him "The Germans have sent some people forward to take our surrender". Moore recalled that McAuliffe, still half asleep said "Nuts!" and started to climb out of his sleeping bag.

McAuliffe left in anger shortly after and did not return until later in the day. The German officers were still there on his return awaiting an official response. When McAuliffe wondered aloud "Well, I don't know what to tell them." he was reminded by Lt. Col. Kinnard "What you said initially would be hard to beat." When reminded, the general said "Type it up." The reply was typed, and centered on a full sheet of paper. It read:

"December 22, 1944

To the German Commander,

N U T S !

The American Commander"

We are left to wonder what the German command thought on receiving the response.

More Info: www.army.mil