In 1947, John Nash (Russell Crowe in the film) arrives at Princeton University. He is co-recipient of the prestigious Carnegie Scholarship for mathematics.

Within the film, "A Beautiful Mind," Dr. John Nash is widely regarded as one of the great mathematicians of the 20th century. The originality of his thinking and for his fearlessness in wrestling down problems so difficult that few others dared tackle them are presented in this clever movie.

Candidly Nash's exceptional brilliance is keenly and directly highlighted by the one-sentence letter written in support of his application to Princeton’s doctoral program. In math it said simply, “This man is a genius.”

Also it became widely known that John’s remarkable achievements inspired generations of mathematicians, economists, and scientists. The president of Princeton, Christopher L. Eisgruber, actually once said, “... and the story of his life with Alicia [his wife] moved millions of readers and moviegoers, to marvel at their courage in the face of very daunting personal and professional challenges.”

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