How is thyroid cancer treated? It is normally treated with surgery (thyroidectomy) and often with radioactive iodine. It rarely needs radiation therapy or chemotherapy. With thyroid cancer and immunotherapy, it is never used or limited to 9.8 cases per 100,000 men and women per year as a treatment. Overall the treatment that is used will depend on person's age, the type of thyroid cancer he or she has, and the stage of the disease that the person has. Stage refers to how severe the disease is and how far, if at all, the cancer has spread.

Studies now show that It is common for people to feel scared, sad, or even angry when they find out that they have cancer. Cancer is known to be overwhelming. The predicament that it causes most people is usually recorded by doctors as jarring. Doctor will use cancer support groups to help their patients. Talking to others who have had thyroid cancer has often helped to remove a person's fear and anxiety.

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