Palau, a country consisting of approximately 340 islands in the Western Pacific, has a Christian majority. As of 2015, 45.3% are Roman Catholic, 34.9% Protestant, 6.9% Seventh Day Adventist, 5.7% Modekngei (a monotheist religion which combines Christianity and native beliefs), and 3.0% Muslim.

The first people were the Melanesian. They were replaced by the modern Micronesian people in the 12th century who possibly migrated from the Sunda Islands.

Christianity was first introduced in 1710 when Jesuits from the Spanish occupied Philippines arrived. Spain came to control Palau as a result. After losing the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain sold Palau and other Caroline Island possessions to Germany. During World War I, Japan seized and annexed the islands from Germany.

The Americans invaded in 1944 during the bloody WW II Battle of Peleliu. Following the war, Palau was part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Palau became an independent nation in 1994, although it maintains strong ties to the U.S. through the Compact of Free Association. Palau has no independent military and relies upon the U.S. for defense. The U.S. Coast Guard patrols Palau's national waters.

The Philippines has indicated that it will support Palau joining the Association of Southeast Nations (ASEAN), which supports Pan-Asianism and intergovernmental cooperation.

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