Coxalgia also known as coxodynia from coxa – hip (L) and -algia / odyne (G) pain and is defined as pain in the hip or disease-related pain of the hip. Coxalgia refers to general sensation of pain in the hip area, including the muscles surrounding the hip - Sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, ilio-tibila banding and the sensation of the tissue surrounding bones. Coxalgia will have an underlying cause- in adults this is most commonly osteoarthritis, degeneration of hip joints or bursitis (inflammation of the bursae -fluid sacs) of the joints. Coxalgia may precede diagnosis or identification of other diseases by some considerable time as indicated for monitoring and review.

Coxalgia is a symptom of underlying hip joint pathology and must be examined and referred as the symptoms of pain and reduced mobility will increase and worsen, leading to chronic pain states. Coxalgia may be due to trauma, dysplasia and abnormal growth, degeneration, osteo-deficiencies of B12 or folate or metastasising cancer. Pain management should include robust use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

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