Both Sir Winston Churchill (1940 to 1945) and Neville Chamberlain (1937 to 1940) served as Prime Minister of Britain during WWII. Louis Stephen St-Laurent was not Prime Minister of Canada until 1948.

William Lyon Mackenzie King served as Prime Minister of Canada in three separate terms: 1921 to 1926 (June), 1926 (September) to 1930, and 1935 to 1948. He led Canada through half the Depression and all of the Second World War.

After the stock market crash of 1929 many people were out of work. Canadians didn’t want new immigrants to take jobs away from them. The King government took steps to reduce immigration and deported unemployed immigrants.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, Canada declared war against the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan). During the war, more than a million Canadians served in the armed forces.

After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Canadians of Japanese descent were sent to forced-labour internment camps and had their property and businesses confiscated. Similarly, when fascist Italy entered the WWII the government designated Italian Canadians and fascist sympathizers as enemy aliens, sent them to internment camps, and confiscated their properties.

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