In 1959, Berry Gordy (an American record producer and songwriter) purchased the property that would become Motown's Hitsville U.S.A. studio. The photography studio located in the back of the property was modified into a small recording studio, and the Gordys moved into the second floor living quarters. Within 7 years of the purchase, Motown would occupy 7 additional neighboring houses in the West Grand Boulevard area of Detroit, Michigan.

Berry Gordy built a music empire on West Grand Boulevard, known as Motown Records, because he was obsessed with music, especially jazz and the blues, and he originally wanted to be a professional songwriter. Also, he believed that he could help young singers who wanted professional careers.

In 1972, Gordy relocated Motown to Los Angeles, and there it remained an independent company until June 1988. The company was sold to MCA and Boston Ventures; they took over full ownership of Motown in 1991. Today, it is part of the Capitol Music Group.

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