The bonobo, Pan paniscus, can be found in a 500,000 sq km or (190,00 sq mi) area in the Congo Basin of Central Africa. They are omnivorous and inhabit mostly primary and secondary forests and sometimes seasonal swampy forests. Often referred to as pygmy chimpanzee, dwarf or Gracile chimpanzee, and one of the two species, making up the genus Pan, the other is Pan troglodytes, or the common chimpanzee.

They are easily recognised by their relatively long legs, pink lips, dark faces, tail tufts through their adult years and long parted hair on their heads.

Theirs can be considered a "gynecocracy", with the female being the head of the society. A society often consisting of as many as 60 or more members.

They are capable of altruism, compassion, empathy, kindness and patience and though they can be aggressive they are more sexually inclined and show their sexuality in a variety of relationships.

In fact they are the only non human animal that indulge in tongue kissing and face to face genital sex.

There is no aggression between the males and the females and the males show a tolerance towards the infants but because of the female promiscuity, the male is never sure whether an infant is his. So most of the bonobo parenting is left to the female.

Very little study is done on this species because of the political situation and because of the shyness of these animals.

They are now listed as an endangered species.

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