A cue stick is an item of sporting equipment essential to the games of pool, snooker and billiards. It is used to strike a ball, usually the cue ball. Cue length is primarily a factor of player height and arm length. Most cues are made of wood, but occasionally the wood is covered or bonded with other materials including graphite, carbon fibre or fibreglass.

At 57–58 inches (140–150 cm), a cue designed for snooker is usually shorter than the typical 59-inch pool cue and has detachable butt extensions for making the cue 6 inches (15 cm) longer or more.

Many snooker cues are jointed, usually with brass fittings, 2⁄3 or even ​3⁄4 of the way back toward the butt bumper, providing an unusually long shaft, rather than at the half-way point, where pool and carom cues are jointed. This necessitates an extra-long cue case. Some models are jointed in two places, with the long shaft having a smooth and subtle wood-to-wood joint.

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