In how many John Wayne movies did Maureen O'Hara co-star?
Of all her films, O'Hara is most proud of the five she made with John Ford – in particular, The Quiet Man, which was filmed in Ireland in 1951. It's a masterpiece that allowed her to make the most of her feisty sexuality. Cast as John Wayne's wife – strong but also tender – she poured her heart into every scene, and it shows.
"We look like a real couple, Duke and I, don't we? John Ford gave both of us the confidence to do our best. But he was living out his fantasy of life through Duke and me. He was Sean [Wayne's character] and I was his ideal woman."
She still vividly remembers her last visit to the dying Duke in 1979.
"He was very ill and was confined to his bed at home. I went in to see him and couldn't hold back the tears. He asked if I was crying for Charlie and I said yes. I didn't have the courage to tell him that I was also crying for him. We adored each other, like brother and sister. When I left, he reached out and held the collar of my coat and said, 'That's a gorgeous coat. It looks beautiful on you.' Those were the last words he spoke to me."
- 1. Rio Grande (1950)
- 2. The Quiet Man (1952)
- 3. The Wings of Eagles (1957)
- 4. McLintock! (1963)
- 5. Big Jake (1971)
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