How many legs does a lobster have?
Lobsters belong to the phylum Arthropoda and divided into the subphylum Crustacea, which encompasses other familiar organisms such as crabs, shrimp, and krill.
They have 10 legs for walking, and 2 pairs of long antennae-like appendages used to feel and smell their surroundings. Their foremost legs are often tipped with grasping pinchers, while the remaining eight are equipped with specialized feet to help it gain purchase on the rugged substrate. Ten-legged animals belong exclusively to the arthropod group.
Their two impressive claws are used for both acquiring food, defense, and in territorial disputes with other lobsters. Arthropods have several pairs of specialized “mouthpart” appendages that help them manipulate food, chew and grind it up, and sweep it into their mouths.
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