The modern staff is made up of five lines and four spaces, each of which is reserved for a specific pitch. At the beginning of each staff is a symbol which represents a particular set of pitches - either low, medium or high.

Let's move on to the space notes. Between the five lines there are four spaces. Like the lines, each space represents a specific pitch. The lower the space is, the lower the pitch. The higher the space is, the higher the pitch. Fortunately, the spaces are easy to remember because when starting from the bottom of the treble clef staff, the spaces spell the word 'FACE'.

Each of the five lines on the staff represents a specific pitch. The lower the line is, the lower the pitch. The higher the line is, the higher the pitch. Starting from the bottom of the treble clef staff, the lines represent E, G, B, D and F. A great way to remember the names of the lines is to use a mnemonic device. You may have heard ones like Every Good Boy Does Fine, or Elvis's Guitar Broke Down Friday or even Everyone Gets Balloons During Fiestas.

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