In 2016, Hasbro replaced one of the original characters, Mrs. White, in the board game 'Cluedo' (also known as 'Clue' in the USA). Mrs. White was one of the six original characters alongside Miss. Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, the Reverend Mr. Green, Mrs. Peacock, and Professor Plum. The game involves players working out which of these characters murdered Dr. Black (UK)/Mr. Boddy (US) and in which room and with what weapon.

Mrs. White was the long-time housekeeper of Dr. Black. According to the 1988 version of the game, her first name was Blanche and she has a squint from spying through keyholes too often. Her replacement, Dr. Orchid, is the adopted daughter of Dr. Black. She has a PhD in plant toxicology and was home-schooled by Mrs White.

Craig Wilkins, the marketing director for Hasbro in the UK and Ireland, said: "It was a difficult decision to say goodbye to Mrs White, but after 70 years of suspicious activity we decided that one of the characters had to go. Dr Orchid is a brilliant new character with a rich back story and links to the Black fortune."

Other sources argue that Mrs. White was replaced because she was an anti-feminist character. The position of a female housekeeper is outdated and none of the female characters represented the modern woman.

'Cluedo' was first released in 1949. The game included a board and six counters coloured red, green, yellow, purple, blue and white. In the latest version, Dr. Orchid is represented by a pink counter.

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