In the 1994 movie "The Shawshank Redemption, Andy (Tim Robbins) used the fake identity of Randall Stephens. He had established several bank accounts under the name of Randall Stephens. This is an important fact which is revealed in the film.

In a major flashback, it reveals how Andy affected his escape from prison. Some moments seen earlier in the film take on sudden significance as the details of Andy's escape are narrated by Red (Morgan Freeman). First, Andy is in the warden’s office substituting fake documents for genuine ones. He is taking the real ones with him before he places fake ones in the warden’s wall safe. Next, he wears the warden’s shoes back to his cell while he has the warden’s suit under his prison uniform.

As Andy prepares to escape, he puts the incriminating records he took in a watertight plastic bag. He ties it to an ankle before climbing through the tunnel which leads him to a large sewer pipe and freedom.

With his first day of freedom, Andy visits a few banks to clear out all the funds from the fake accounts. The funds were for the warden under the name of Randall Stephens. Then before leaving one of the banks, Andy sends the incriminating documents to a local newspaper.

Next, a shot of the Warden has him going to the wall-safe in his office. He opens it to discover his incriminating ledger has been replaced by Andy’s bible. All is now lost; the warden takes a gun from his desk and blows his brains out.

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