Pointedly in the 1987 film "Fatal Attraction," Alex Forrest says to her one night stand, Dan Gallagher, "Well, what am I supposed to do? You won't answer my calls, you change your number. I mean, I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!"

Here when we see the movie, we learn that it is about a crazy woman who is stalking a married man. She even kills his kid’s bunny and sets it boiling on the stove. When Dan's wife, a seemingly good person lifts the lid off the pot, a pretty distasteful sight is revealed —there is clipped fur and a discreet dab of blood. Then she lets go with a very bad scream.

"Fatal Attraction" is all about a dangerous, predatory (other) woman, and her very questionable mental state. No one believes her when she says that she’s "just after a night of mutual pleasure." This is a credible story and movie melodrama concerning the dangers of a married man straying and blaming another person not his wife for any threat to his marital happiness.

Also this film was the subject of intense public debate about whether its message (the entire story) was offensively sexist. Men are seen in a positive way while women are viewed in a negative manner.

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