"Nascondino World Championship" is a unique international hide-and-seek competition. The first edition was held in 2010 in the Italian city of Bergamo, it is held annually in Italy, in summer. The game is a derivative of the Italian version of hide and seek, "nascondino" (hide-and-seek in italian), and takes place on a playground in the open air, set up with artificial and natural hideouts.

The rules of the game are a more codified version than the children's hideout. This is a team game, each consisting of 5 players. Players must be 18 years of age. Males and females play together. The playing field is an open air space with natural and artificial hiding.

The competition is carried out in rounds. Each round is played by one player per team. Players are given 1 minute to hide from the neutral seeker and 5 minutes to run to home base, a large soft mattress that you can launch yourself towards. The first to reach home base is awarded 20 points, the second is awarded 19 points and so forth. If a player is found by a seeker, the player will not receive any points. Players who do not reach home base before the time is up, and players who are found cheating will also not receive any points. The points obtained by the individual team members in each heat are added together to determine the top 20 teams that will advance to the finals. To ensure the game runs smoothly there will be referees positioned throughout the playing field.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org