Navajo was the language (code) and those who spoke it became known as "Windtalkers. Code talking was pioneered by Cherokee and Choctaw Indians during World War I, and China used Wenzhounese as code talkers during the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War.

In May 1942, the first 29 Navajo recruits attended boot camp at Camp Pendleton’s code talker school. 421 Navajos had completed wartime training and most had been assigned to combat units overseas.

Since few people outside the Navajo had learned to speak the language, it became a good choice to use. The Navajo spoken code was not very complex by cryptographic standards. The Japanese Imperial Army and Navy never cracked the spoken code, if a native speaker and trained cryptographers could have worked together effectively it might have been broken.

In 1968, after the declassification of the operation, Navajo code talkers received recognition . The code talkers were given a Certificate of Recognition by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, in 1982. August 14, 1982 was named as "Navajo Code Talkers Day"'.

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