No, it is not true that snakes do not live in holes. Some snakes live in holes, while others reside in underground burrows. Snakes may create their own dwellings, called burrows, while other snakes inhabit holes created by other animals. Some snakes will use holes to go underground while traveling, and others use them on a part-time or year-round basis.

Mostly, snakes inhabit a variety of locations, including forests, deserts, wetlands, lakes, mountains and even urban areas. Although the highest snake concentrations are found in tropical regions, snakes live in many environments, including watery environments and hot deserts. Besides finding homes in burrows and holes, some snakes often find shelter under rocks or in hillside crevices.

Lastly, while some snakes do create their own living spaces, it is good to know that others will inhabit places (holes) once used by small mammals, such as rodents.

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