It is false.

Mitosis (Equatorial Division): Chromosomes of parent cells are duplicated and equally distributed into two daughter cells.The term mitosis is derived from Greek word"mitos" means thread or fibril.

Meiosis (Reduction Division): Process that allows one diploids(2n) cells to divide in a special way to generate haploid (n) cells in eukaryotes. The term meiosis (Greek, meio -to lessen).

Meiosis has two rounds of genetic separation and cellular division while mitosis only has one of each. In meiosis homologous chromosomes separate leading to daughter cells that are not genetically identical. In mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the parent as well as to each other.

Both processes include the breakdown of the nuclear membrane, the separation of genetic material into two groups, followed by cell division and the reformation of the nuclear membrane in each cells.

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