The last "solid gold" Olympic medal was awarded in 1912. After that year, the content of the precious metal has decreased until current standards have the medal content at 92.5% silver and plated with 6 grams on the 3 mm thick, 60 mm prize for finishing first in an Olympic event. The value in raw scrap metal for a 2016 Gold medal is between $ 500 and $ 600. Collectors can pay up to a million dollars US for the medals.

Solid Gold medals did not start until 1904 and continued until 1912. Some interesting facts about these Olympic awards: Only silver and Bronze medals were awarded in 1896, the first modern games. Trophies and cups were awarded in the 1900 games instead of the medals.

Other gold medals, such as the Nobel and Medal of Honor, are still considered "solid Gold" (at least 23 carat gold)

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