On the 1967 - 1969 wildlife U.S. TV adventure series "Gentle Ben", Ben (the bear) and his human family live in the Florida Everglades. This was a series about the lives and adventures of a game warden (Tom Wedloe), his wife Ellen, their son Mark, and Mark's tame bear, Gentle Ben.

Ben was a giant tamed black bear, but he was still considered dangerous. Mark's love of Ben and his ability to keep him safe stood out in this two year series. It was vividly shown on TV and also written in a clever book. Most of us can remember the CBS television series. But there was at first the 1965 novel called "Gentle Ben". This is the novel that tells the story of the friendship between a large male brown bear (Ben) and a boy named Mark. It became the basis for the 1967 film "Gentle Giant".

More Info: wikivisually.com