“Secular World Magazine” is a publication of which organization?
“Secular World Magazine” supports the goals and visions of Atheist Alliance International (AAI). AAI strives to support critical thinking, normalize atheism, and replace religious dogma with rationality and reason in public policy, scientific investigation, government, and the workplace.
“Secular World” is published by the AAI and is available at the group’s website and on paper. The publication is quarterly. The organization also addresses discrimination against atheists globally, establishes new atheist organizations around the world, and promotes global cooperation among atheist groups.
The AAI grew out of the Atheist Alliance, which was founded in 1991 by four atheist groups based in the United States. The US organization grew at home and abroad, eventually becoming the AAI in 2001. In 2010-2011, the AAI split into two segments, with the US-based organization becoming the Atheist Alliance of America and the international organization retaining the AAI name. The split was necessary to accommodate strategic planning.
In 2013, the United Nations granted the AAI “special consultative” status, so the organization could better assist atheists being persecuted by their governments.
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