From the four films listed here, TV talk show host Larry King appeared in the following three: The Stepford Wives (1975), Enemy of the State (1998), and The Contender (2000). King did not make any appearances in the 1998 science fiction disaster film, Armageddon. King's job in the 3 films that he made was to portray himself. He interviewed relevant people and provided commentary on actual or pending news worthy events.

With Armageddon, Michael Bay directed this action thriller where the world could come to an end. The plot takes place where astronomy students discover a possible comet-asteroid collision the the earth. An asteroid fragment "the size of the New Orleans, Louisiana, Superdome" could end all of mankind.

It is destroyed by secret U.S. defense operations in space. But, a large chunk veers off toward Singapore. With another asteroid "the size of the state of Texas" en route, a plan is devised to send oil drillers to land on the asteroid. They must drop a nuclear device down a 1000-foot shaft, a scheme calculated to crack the asteroid into two halves, saving Earth.

NASA undertakes a crash program to train beer besotted oil roughnecks for the mission. During a stop over to refuel at the Mir Station, the space station is accidentally destroyed, so a Russian cosmonaut also joins the team. In the end, the men are successful.

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