It is in Poland.

Oswiecim ( Auschwitz in German ) is in the country of Poland. It has about 40,000 inhabitants and is located seventy kilometers west of Krakow.

This information might be interesting for you:

During WWII the Nazi Germans occupied this location, building and operating concentration camps in the area. Between June 1941 and January 1945 about one million men, women and children perished in the three Auschwitz concentration camps – i.e. Auschwitz proper, Birkenau and Monowitz – and their more than forty sub-camps. At its peak the whole complex of the Auschwitz death camp was a deadly prison to some 150,000 inmates that were being either murdered outright or starved and worked to death.

By the way, in 1947, Poland founded the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum on the site of Auschwitz, and in 1979, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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