The Bible only tells of one female judge: Deborah. She was a prophetess sent by God to tell Barak, military commander of the Israelite army, to lead an attack against Canaan and King Jabin.

This account is in Judges 4 and 5. Chapter four is the narrative and chapter 5 is the "The Song of Deborah".

Deborah was the wife of Lapidoth. She was called by the Lord and gave His judgments under a date tree in the land of Ephraim. In her commands to Barak, Deborah states that Sisera, commander of King Jabin's army, will be drawn by God to the River Kishon, and Barak would be victorious over Canaan, who was oppressing Israel.

Barak refused to go without Deborah. Deborah agreed, but stated that because Barak did not have faith in the Lord, the victory over Sisera would fall upon a woman (Judg 4:14).

After a great battle, Barak routed Sisera. Sisera fled and tried to escape, coming to the tent of Jael, an assumed ally of Canaan. Jael invited Sisera in for drink and covered him with a blanket. Sisera rested and asked Jael to keep guard, but instead, Jael drove a tent stake through his temple, killing Sisera.

Barak came to the tent in pursuit of Sisera, only to find the prophecy that Deborah stated fulfilled. Sisera was delivered into the hands of a woman.

King Jabin would eventually be defeated and the Israelites enjoyed 40 years of peace before their next judgment.

In Hebrew, her name, דְּבוֹרָה, translates as bee. She is considered a saint in the Catholic Church.

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