While most people are familiar with the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, most probably don’t know about a similar Japanese surprise attack 36 years earlier.

The relatively little known Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 was started somewhat familiarly , with a Japanese surprise attack on February 8th, 1904 on the Russian Pacific Fleet based in Port Arthur (modern day Lüshunkou, China). Like Pearl Harbor, the attack took place before a formal declaration of war had been issued.

While the Japanese in 1904 used destroyers and torpedo boats instead of planes the result was similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese managed to damage several battleships and cruisers but failed to deliver a knockout blow.

Russia suffered numerous battle defeats by Japan, most important of which was the sea Battle of Tsushima. The Japanese military won a complete victory. The war concluded with the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by President Theodore Roosevelt.

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