The longest day of the year comes with the Summer Solstice. The sun reached its northernmost point in the sky during the Summer Solstice. This event occurs in the month of June (falling on the 20th–22nd according to the Gregorian calendar). This is specifically called the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and it is the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

Because this solstice can to be observed early in the morning, the shortest day (or night on the south) in the year 2017 will fall on June 20th for places in the western part of the world in America, Europe, and West Asia. The 2017 solstice will actually be June 21st for places in the far eastern parts of Australia and East Asia.

The opposite case will take place during the solstice in December 2017. The shortest day and the longest night will occur in the Northern Hemisphere; the longest day and the shortest night shall be observed in the Southern Hemisphere. Also the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of winter in the Southern Hemisphere shall occur in the month of June during the Summer Solstice.

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