Andrew Jackson defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans on January 8, 1815. This battle took place despite the fact the Treaty of Ghent, signed on December 24, 1814, had already ended the War of 1812. Word of the peace treaty didn't reach across the Atlantic for some time. Therefore, plans and operations already in progress, continued. Ironically ,this battle was the greatest victory for the Americans in a war that saw many American reversals. For the majority of the conflict, the British were preoccupied with the Napoleonic Wars in Europe and unable to fully focus on the Americans .The British, however, with Canadian Militia, were able to repel inept American invasions of Canada. Ironically, the British, having participated in Napoleon's defeat, were unable to bring their increased resources to bear and failed themselves. Although successful at raiding and burning Washington D.C,. they were stopped at Baltimore and Plattsburgh, and had a calamitous defeat at New Orleans.

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