One of two children of Josephine; Hortense and her brother Eugene survived the vicissitudes of the Revolution to grow up to be relatively well adjusted adults. Adopted by Napoleon upon his marriage to Josephine, she graced the court of Napoleon until upon his urging she married his brother Louis.

Despite her objections, she moved to the Hague with her two children. Initially unhappy, she grew to like Holland and was a popular queen, appreciating the warmth of the Dutch. Disliking each other intensely, Hortense and Louis maintained separate bedrooms, and generally avoided each other. Louis was annoyed with his wife's popularity with the Dutch people.

With the death of her eldest son, she returned to Paris. In 1810, with Napoleon's divorce from Josephine and marriage to Marie Louise, Hortense was forced to return to Holland. She left not long after on the pretext of her health.

Josephine was now free to respond to the overtures of the Comte de Flahaut and maintained a long-term relationship with him. During the Bourbon Restoration, Hortense enjoyed the protection and admiration of Alexander I of Russia and at his suggestion was made the Duchess of St. Leu. However, when Napoleon attempted to return she supported him and was banished from France. She and her son (the future Napoleon III) moved first to Germany and then Switzerland where she purchased her final home, the chateau of Arenberg. She died there in 1837 at age 54.

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