Thomas Cromwell, 1st Earl of Essex KG PC (1485 – 28 July 1540) was an English lawyer and statesman who served as chief minister to King Henry VIII of England from 1532 to 1540.

Cromwell was arrested at a Council meeting on 10 June 1540, accused of a list of charges. He was imprisoned in the Tower. His enemies took every opportunity to humiliate him: they even tore off his Order of the Garter, remarking that "A traitor must not wear it." His initial reaction was defiance: "This then is my reward for faithful service!" he cried out, and angrily defied his fellow Councillors to call him a traitor. A Bill of Attainder containing a long list of indictments, including supporting Anabaptists, corrupt practices, leniency in matters of justice, acting for personal gain, protecting Protestants accused of heresy .

Cromwell was condemned to death without trial, lost all his titles and property and was beheaded on Tower Hill on 28 July 1540 in a public execution, the day of the King's marriage to Catherine Howard. Afterwards, his head was set on a spike on London Bridge.

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