Hepatic means "of or relating to the liver", "acting on or occurring in the liver".

There are more than a hundred different kinds of liver disease. Symptoms may include jaundice, nausea, yellow discoloration of the skin and weight loss.

Interesting fact, it was long believed that the liver was the source of the body's blood and lymph; when this was shown not to be true, the organ lost favor amongst anatomists and physiologists. Its stature was revived in the 19th century.

The liver is the second largest organ in the body and performs several different functions. It processes everything you eat and drink. Your liver converts food and drinks into energy and nutrients for your body to use. It filters out harmful substances, like alcohol, from the blood, and it is responsible for helping your body to fight off infections.

When the liver is damaged, you may suffer from hepatic failure. Exposure to viruses or harmful chemicals can also harm the liver. It may eventually stop functioning correctly.

More Info: anatomyalmanac.blogspot.ru