Pangolins (scaly anteaters) are nocturnal mammals found in tropical regions throughout Africa and Asia. These species range in size from 30 to 100 cm (12 to 39 in). Females are generally smaller than males.

Pangolins have large, protective keratin scales covering their skin; they are the only known mammals with this adaptation. It can curl up into a ball when threatened like armadillos, with its overlapping, sharp scales acting as armour defense and its face tucked under its prehensile tail. They live in hollow trees or burrows, depending on the species. They have short legs, with sharp claws which they use for burrowing into termite and ant mounds, as well as climbing. The animal walks with its fore paws curled over to protect the long front claws. They can also emit a noxious-smelling chemical from glands near the anus like skunks. They have a very poor sense of vision, and therefore rely heavily on smell and hearing.

Their diet consists of mainly ants and termites which they capture using their long, specially adapted tongues that extend into the abdominal cavity like those of the giant anteater and the tube-lipped nectar bat.

They tend to be solitary animals, meeting only to mate and produce a litter of one to three offspring which are raised for about two years when they become sexually mature.

Pangolins are threatened by hunting (for meat, armor, medicine) and heavy deforestation of their natural habitats, and are the most trafficked mammal in the world.

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