All plants require around 17 natural elements which are known to be essential for proper growth and reproduction of plants. Oxygen, hydrogen and carbon are obtained from the atmosphere through plant leaves for vital physiological functions like photosynthesis and respiration.

Another, at least 14 numbers of plant nutrients are obtained from the soil and plants absorb these from the soil through their root system for the purpose of mineral nutrition of the plant.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potash are regarded as the most important plant nutrients as these are required in comparatively large quantities for proper growth and development of the plant.These are commonly known as major plant nutrients.Formulations of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) fertilizers are also sold commercially in the market.

The other important plant nutrients which are required in comparatively lesser quantities are calcium, sulphur, magnesium & zinc.These are also known as macro plant nutrients.Iron, boron, molybdenum, manganese, copper, chlorine, nickel etc are also essential plant nutrients but required in traces and are known as micronutrients.

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