Flamingos are born with light gray feathers. Their diet, which consists of brine shrimp and blue-green algae, turns their feathers pink. A chemical called canthaxanthin (beta-carotene) is responsible. Flamingos in zoos have synthetic canthaxanthin added to their food to produce their distinctive colour.

Their flight feathers, which are those on the underside of their wings, are black and can only be seen when they are in flight.

Adult flamingos are four to five feet tall, but only weigh between four and eight pounds. This low body density is necessary to make flight possible for such a tall bird.

There are six distinct species but the differences are barely discernible.The American flamingo, also known as the Caribbean flamingo, is the only flamingo indigenous to the U.S.

Unless you come across them in captivity, chances are you won't find too many flamingos in the US.

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