A rare genetic condition where a female changes to male at puberty is known as Guevedoce or Machihembra (pl. Guevedoces or Machihembras), the former which literally means "first a woman, then a man". When a child with this condition is born, "she" appears to be female having all her external genital features resembling a girl's. It is only when "she" nears puberty that the male organ and testicles descend. Children with this condition are genetically male, meaning they have one X and one Y chromosome. However, as they develop in their mother's womb, a genetic mutation prevents their bodies from converting the male hormone testosterone into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (or DHT). Since DHT is responsible for the development of male sex organs, the lack of DHT means the male organs don't develop properly. Men with this condition, are usually infertile, and often do not develop much facial or body hair. Although most children with this condition are raised as girls, about half identify themselves as male after puberty.

As of 2016, research indicates that this condition is only common in the Dominican Republic and only 3 out of 100 are likely to be born with such a condition.

More Info: en.wikipedia.com