A true hoe cake is a simple mixture of corn meal (preferably white cornmeal) water and salt fried in fat. Bacon fat is best. I know that people do such things as eat them with syrups and jams, but for my taste, the best possible way to eat them is plain, slathered with butter, along side, greens, ham and beans, or my personal favorite fresh green beans and ham simmered with new potatoes!

My great grandmother made these when she made a big pot of greens, or for me better yet green beans and ham. She told me that migrant workers could carry those items easily with them, clean the blade of their hoe, build a small fire and easily fry them in the fields. That is also the first explanation I found on the internet, but with more research I learned that may or may not have been totally true.

According to research "hoe" was a colloquial term for griddle dating back to at least the 1600s in parts of England, where baking cakes on boards or griddles was commonplace.

You can also find much more complex recipes from kitchen gurus such as Paula Deen. But I advise you to try the original recipe first...they are just too good to be bastardized!

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