Phlebotomists are specially trained medical professionals that typically work in hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, and blood banks. There are numerous job opportunities for people with phlebotomy certification and the career is one of the fastest growing in the industry today, and for many it can be a great opportunity to get a start in the medical world. Here, we will look at the primary job duties of phlebotomists in various career settings.

Phlebotomy Job Description

What Do Phlebotomists Do?

The primary role of a phlebotomist is to draw blood, which is typically done through venal puncture. Specially trained phlebotomists may also be able to draw blood through arteries as well as to give injections, administer IV medications, and set up intravenous lines. Phlebotomists with these certifications are often highly sought after and can command a significantly higher rate of pay than limited phlebotomists.

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