Blood phobia (also hemophobia or haemophobia) is the extreme fear of blood. Hemophobia is often related to other phobias like Trypanophobia, or fear of medical needles. As with many phobias, a traumatic experience in the past could have triggered the fear where a person was involved in a serious accident containing a lot of blood, or they witnessed a situation where a lot of blood was present. Some people with a fear of blood also have other medical phobias, such as fears of doctors and dentists.

Sufferers of this very common phobia dread the sight of their own blood, the sight of the blood of another person or an animal, and sometimes printed or filmed images of blood and even thoughts of blood. Most people feel a bit uneasy when they see blood. However, for some people, seeing blood causes them to faint or to feel like they will faint. Only a small minority of people have this response at the sight of blood.

One of the consequences of this phobia is that it can lead to mental illness, such as depression. Therefore, it is important to speak with someone who can provide the best solution to conquering your fear. Hemophobics are also encouraged to gradually expose themselves to certain events or sports which are potential areas where blood may be present. This can help one slowly get comfortable with their fear.

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