Fear of Ants Phobia – Myrmecophobia

Myrmecophobia is an intense fear of ants. This fear belongs to the more general category of Entomophobias (the fear of insects). But the fear of bees and fear of ants are more specific as the sufferers only fear those respective classes of insects.

Myrmecophobia is derived from the Greek word Myrmex meaning ‘ants’ and phobos which stands for the “Greek God of fear”. Myrmecophobic individuals are, in a sense, similar to Arachnophobes- (people who fear spiders) in that; they might shudder or cry at the sight of ants just like the latter might do at the sight of spiders. People with extreme ant phobia often believe that these bugs might enter their homes, contaminate their food or lead to massive destruction, damage, even death.

The fear of ants manifests in different ways and varies from individual to individual.

The fear of ants might have evolutionary roots; early humans had to sleep and eat in the open where ants often bit them or contaminated their food. The human brains are thus pre-programmed to feel a disgust response at the sight of ants.

More Info: www.fearof.net