Panophobia or the fear of everything might sound bizarre, but it does exist in the list of non-specific phobias. It is known by other names like Omniphobia or Pantophobia. Panto stands for ‘all or everything’ in the Greek language. The word ‘Panophobia’ also might have originated from The Greek God Pan. This deity is believed to cause feelings of panic or anxiety.

Panophobia can be triggered by several other phobias. The intense anxiety or fear that something terrible is about to happen can be triggered by negative news, events or traumatic episodes in the past. The person might actually turn into a Phobophobic individual, where they might fear anxiety itself. This becomes a vicious circle as the Panophobe believes that their condition can turn into something worse, thereby intensifying the symptoms of all other phobias.

Often the causes of Panophobia or fear of everything are difficult to trace, since the Panophobe cannot remember how it all started. Nobody is born with this phobia; the brain just learns to fear everything negative or that which it perceives as ‘being dangerous’.

The fear of everything phobia can be different for different people, but it generally increases over time. The sufferer can end up with hundreds of phobias thus making him afraid of intangible or tangible items or situations.

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