Ted Kaczynski, was born Theodore John Kaczynski, on May 22,1942 in Chicago IL. Ted was a child prodigy who entered Harvard at age 16, where he earned his first degree.

Ted went on to become an assistant professor at The University of California but resigned after only 2 years.

Ted had become convinced that modern technology was destroying the country, and he needed to fight back. Ted had moved to a small primitive cabin in the woods of Montana, without water or electricity.

Ted began building package bombs, and mailing them to individuals that he felt were promoting dangerous technology. Kaczynski began his mail bombing campaign in 1978 and kept it up for almost 18 years.

These random attacks were labeled by the FBI as done by Unabom. The media picked up on this title and began calling him the Unabomber.

Ted lived off the grid, and worked totally alone, making it almost impossible for the FBI to identify him, or find him.

Ted was arrested in 1996 after a tip from his brother lead the FBI to him. Ted was sentenced to 8 consecutive life sentences without parole.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org