A bumble bee beats its wings at a rate of 230 times every second. To get an idea of how fast that is, compare that to a hummingbird whose fastest recorded rate is about 80 beats per second. The rate of 230 times per second was recorded just while hovering. They also have to transfer pollen and nectar and carry large loads, sometimes as much as their body mass.

According to "The Hive and the Honey Bee", the "Bible" of all beekeeping, a bee's flight speed averages about 15 miles per hour and they're capable of flying 20 miles per hour, even faster without a pollen load. The queen bee is responsible for producing all the workers in the colony, and she lays up to 1500 eggs a day.

Bee colonies are dying in alarming numbers. One species of bumble bee, the rusty patched bumblebee, has already been placed on the Endangered Species List. Bees are vulnerable to Varroa mites, pesticides, viruses, bacterial diseases and global warming are just some of the causes. But if something isn't done to stop it, the world will become a hungry place.

More Info: ucanr.edu