Pago Pago is the capital of the US Territory of American Samoa. The Samoan people are descendants of those who settled the islands around 4,000 years ago. In the Samoan language, the “g” is pronounced “ng”. Therefore, while the city is spelled Pago Pago, it is sounded Pango Pango.

In the late 1830s, the United States gave credence to rumors that Germany or Great Britain were about to annex the islands. As head of the US Exploring Expedition, Commander Charles Wilkes surveyed the Pago Pago harbor and other points of interest.

The US State Department sent negotiators to the main island of Tutuila and a Samoan chief signed a peace treaty with the United States in 1877. The US Navy built a fueling station for Navy and commercial vessels in Pago Pago after the naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was built in 1887.

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