The Sperm Whale is the loudest animal on earth. It is known to have a call that can reach a peak of 230 decibels. Biologists have come to believe the sperm whale’s massive head functions similarly to a powerful telegraph machine that emits pulses of sound in distinct patterns.

Sperm Whales are known to make four patterns of click sounds: 1) long range sonar; 2) "squeaky door" creaks to indicate prey is nearby and capture is imminent; 3) slow clicks, made only by males that have no known use; and, 4) clicks, known as codas, that are made when they are socializing.

In second place, is the Tiger Pistol Shrimp, which, at a maximum size of 5 cm, is the smallest of the four on the list. It uses its large, pink claw to create a loud noise that is lethal to small fish. The snapping shut of its claw creates a sonic boom that can reach 210 decibels.

The Howler Monkey is the loudest land animal and their call, which can reach 140 decibels, can be heard 3 miles away.

The Greengrocer Cicada can produce a sound reaching up to 120 decibels.

To put the loudness of these animals in perspective, the average sound at a professional football game is 80-90 decibels, and a jet engine at take-off is 150 decibels.

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