The pomelo, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, also called pomello, pummelo,pommelo, pamplemousse, jabong (Hawaii), or batabi is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.

The etymology of the word "pomelo" is complex. In the Tamil language it is called "pampa limāsu", which means big citrus. The name was adopted by the Portuguese as "pomposos limões" and then by the Dutch as "pompelmoes". The name can be found with some deviations in many European languages, for example German (Pampelmuse), Latvian (Pampelmūze), Ido (Pompelmuso), whereas some other languages use "pomelo" (Turkish, Norwegian, Polish, Bulgarian).

This fruit is often called by "shedock" by English authors from the name of a British captain. However, another theory proposed that "pomelo" is an alteration of a compound of English namespome ("apple") + melon.

The fruit tastes like a sweet, mild grapefruit (which is itself believed to be a hybrid of Citrus maxima and the orange, though the typical pomelo is much larger than the grapefruit, and also has a much thicker rind. It has none, or very little, of the common grapefruit's bitterness, but the enveloping membranous material around the segments is bitter, considered inedible, and thus is usually discarded.

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