"Goofy" and "regular" are the words used to describe whether a snowboarder rides with their left or their right foot at the front of the snowboard.

A goofy rider snowboards with their right foot at the front of their snowboard. A goofy rider will usually have a stronger left (back) leg and are often left handed. A regular rider snowboards with their left foot at the front of their snowboard. A regular rider will usually have a stronger right (back) leg and are often right handed.

When starting out snowboarding it can be hard to know if you are a regular or goofy rider. You may even give both a go only to find that you can't notice much difference. Don't worry this is normal when you start to ride and there are some tricks you can use to help you decide which way to set up your snowboard stance.

Stand in a comfortable position with both feet firmly on the floor and relax. Get a friend to gently push you from behind, forcing you to step forward to regain your balance. The foot that you use to steady yourself is the foot you want to use for your front foot on your snowboard. If you use your left foot you are a regular rider, if you use your right foot you are a goofy rider.

More Info: www.improve-your-snowboarding.com